
Hello, it is good to meet you. 


With an academic and professional background in science, business, and finance, Eva is an experienced advisor and consultant on the integration of sustainability, climate change, clean technologies and renewable energy into business and investment strategies. 

She has consulted with major national and international investment funds on the integration of environmental, social and governance values in finance. She was Head of Sustainability and Climate Change to FINSIA, the Financial Services Institute of Australasia. 

Before that, she worked for the UN in Geneva, Switzerland, and for a federal minister in Australia.

As an ethical investment advisor in Australia, she advised individuals and NGOs on ethical or Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) portfolio strategies and wrote industry training courses on this topic for the investment industry.

Eva founded and was the Chair of The Climate Council Inc, whose aim was to integrate federal and investment industry initiatives on climate change. She was a delegate to a number of the international UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol meetings (COP) and served on a federal government selection panel for clean technologies.

She speaks five languages and is certified as a permaculture teacher. As one of the Australian Ecotourism founders, she established the first national cetacean-based tourism industry association and served as its inaugural Chair.

She sits on the Advisory Boards of Ethical Markets LLC, USA, the Climate Prosperity Alliance, USA, Climate Futures, Macquarie University, Australia and is a member of UN Harmony with Nature.

Over the past decade, Eva has been deeply engaged with indigenous cultures from all around the world, Together with traditional Indigenous elders, she founded the US based NFP 1Earth Institute, Inc.The NFP was dedicated to Indigenous and non-Indigenous cultures to work together around one table, and our friendships and collaborations remain standing.

We closed the NFP in May 2024, transitioning it into a new format with LIFEFORCE to message our interconnectedness with all that is.

It was but the end of the beginning. Here we are - entangled in a new CONTINUITY...

This is the space for us linking in a HUB, 

the beginnings of our evolving community....

       For a starter, let me introduce you to a handful of my dearest friends and teachers:

CALIXTO VILLAFANE SUAREZ, Arhuaco Elder from Colombia
I would like to acknowledge my debt and gratitude to my dear friends, to all my  indigenous elders who have patiently taught me; and to all of our nonhuman teachers and family.

We are all part of the ancient Sacred Circle of Life...To embrace and reclaim our Indigenous relationship to all life is to remember and lovingly celebrate our sacred relationship with our Mother Earth, all relatives of our one human family and our kinship with all life.” 

Chief Phil Lane (Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations)
PAULINE TANGIORA,  Māori elder Rongomaiwahine Tribe, Aotearoa
Uqualla,medicine man of the Havasupai tribe, Grand Canyon, USA
Uqualla singing and in ceremony 3
Plant and Funghi Beings
The Sea, Water, and all Beings therein, inclusive the Octopus Teacher
All terrestrial Beings

Some of my art

I am very much a mere 'budding' artist,
 who is being gently encouraged, taught, and coaxed along by a number of extraordinary art teachers. 

A number of my works have been exhibited over the past years. 

Order and Chaos

Mosaic following Hunderwasser

Thinking Hat

Linoprint for book illustration for  'put on another thinking hat' 


Encaustic 2023


Encaustic 2023


Silk screen printing with applique of figures. AP 2023


Silk screen printing AP 2022

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