We and our Earth are intrinsically linked in interrelated systems. We are ONE.  
WHO you can learn from
HOW Systems Thinking applies to the 'real' world

Learning To Be ONE

Our world is profoundly changed. 
We have damaged our supporting Earth systems, perhaps beyond repair. 
Do we NOW realise how deeply interrelated we are with all of Life?

We are embedded in myriads of regenerative networks of Life ...extending from the most infinitesimal particles to  gargantuan galaxies...
permeated by an inherently intelligent and creative LIFE FORCE.

This new understanding of SYSTEMS THINKING - realising that all is interconnected -  is a radical diversion from what we have been taught...
it is in a way a (r)evolutionary worldview.

Today's change in perspective is comparable to Copernicus' discovery that the Sun does not revolve around the Earth.  

It may not surprise you that when Galileo Galilei supported Copernicus' model, it resulted in his famous trial before the Inquisition. They refused to look through his telescope to verify his findings.

Why? They did not want to open their eyes to the Earth (and humans) being dethroned as the Cosmic centre of the Universe.

Take courage, if you feel disoriented. 
Opening your eyes to the interconnectedness of all around us means we need to build up different 'thinking muscles',  and accordingly follow through with changed ways of acting and operating. 

There is much talk about avoiding possibilities, but not nearly enough  about WHAT WE WANT TO CREATE, what we want to build together.

This deep change in worldview will take courage, deep listening, learning from examples, discussions, and practice. 

This is what LIFEFORCE is about...for us to hold hands in learning to understand and put into place this new systems paradigm, fundamental to our survival. 

…you are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop [Rumi]



WHO can I learn from: LEARNING section

HOW is Systems Thinking applied in the 'real' world?: APPLICATIONS section

Both sections have a partner hub on TEACHING INSTITUTES & MASTER TEACHERS  

PODCASTS  and WORKSHOPS are scheduled to start in the early months of 2025. 

There are BOOKS in the works, one for 'grown-ups' titled 'Trim Tab', and a children's book series

NOTE: All sections are evolving and are a work in progress, as is LIFE. Some are pending completion and await to be written...waiting for inspired creation...in our learning together. 


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