
Calixto Suarex Villafane

Arhuaco elder from Colombia


Calixto is a dear friend and was a co-director with me of 1Earth Institute INC, until we dissolved the NFP mid 2024.

He acts as an emissary for the Mamos majores, or chief Elders of the Arhuaco and Kogi peoples, who rarely descend from their high mountain sanctuaries and are the spiritual leaders and knowledge keepers of the people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia.

They are the descendants of the Tairona civilization, an Indigenous genepool from which the Inca, Maya, and Aztec also descended. The peoples of the Sierra survived the onslaught of the conquistadors by retreating into mountainous sanctuaries in the Sierra and controlling the access routes to their retreats. Nowadays, these high sanctuaries no longer offer safety from deadly paramilitaries and the avaricious grasping of companies and landowners.

Asking Calixto about the state of the Earth he said: "Until now, what human beings have reached for is self-destruction, the destruction of Mother Earth, of the mountains, the poisoning of the sea, of the rivers, of the lakes, and the reduction of the flora and fauna. We are seeing how we are impoverishing the planet and those who live there. Humans have strayed from their path and are accelerating their self-destruction". [5]

As all life on Earth is intrinsically intertwined and interconnected, and we humans are no exception.

How do we see ourselves? As separate entities outside the web of life that surrounds us. This is reflected in Western science, which uses analysis by objective separation through dispassionate observation.This intentional separation of the ‘knower from the known’ is pervasive throughout our economic logic and ecosystem management in industrialized nations, and therein lies the misbelief
which informs our economic activities.

By comparison, most traditional knowledge systems are founded on intuitive and spiritual relatedness. There is no separation in such traditional knowledge systems: time-honored observations are firmly grounded in the knowing that all is related and interconnected, and the observer is a vital part of the system observed.

Once we accept this ‘disconnect myth’ for what it is—an erroneous belief and worldview—we will re-connect with our family of non-human beings and find our way back home. Have we not been lost and felt an inexplicable deep yearning for knowing—a reflective sense of the sacredness of creation—its cohesiveness and absolute interrelationship? “Western civilisation, despite its phenomenal achievements, developed on the foundation of this fundamental split between Spirit and nature—between creator and creation.” [6]

Calixto's opinion is that "...the natural law is simple: humility to take from nature, to give back and to maintain balance spiritually and physically. For us, the Arhuaco, humility is a sign of wisdom. That is what we want to pass on to future generations."

The Mamos invite us to discover again our truthful identity, "...our ancestors, our roots and taking care of these roots, and of the knowledge of the Mamos. In this way, we can arrive into the deepest aspects of this knowledge and transmit it to others."


Where From Here?



The Arhuaco and Kogi of Colombia,


Calixto himself,


Indigenous worldviews,


cross-cultural dialogue  circles

Sacred Sites

Uqualla contemplative

Sacred sites


Sacred Sites - the etiquette of how to enter






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